Monday, July 11, 2011

Just Max

Max who? Max Nathaniel Perry.

It is what you think it is, the name of the baby! Jason and I wanted to wait until the birth to blab. But we simply can't wait that long!

And no, it's not short for Maximus, Maximilian, Maximo, Maxim or Maxwell. Just Max. Everyone is going to call him Max anyway, might as well make that the official name, right?

So where did this name come from? If you have been a loyal reader of my blog, you'd know that I dreamt of the name months ago! haha! At the time, it was just a dream, but as time moved on...I swear, it has become more of a premonition! Yes, some of you may think it's ridiculous, but I have fallen IN LOVE with the name and it is the only one I keep going back to. The only name that means something to me. And most importantly, it's a name both Jason and I can imagine calling our future baby boy.

Here is a little bit of research I did behind the name Max:
• The meaning of the name Max is Greatest.
• “Saint Maximus was a 7th century monk and theologian from Constantinople. Maximilian grew out of Maximus and has been born by saints, kings and emperors.” From there, various forms of the name Max evolved. It has stood the test of time.
• Celebrities who have named their son various forms of Max are: Christina Aguilera, Lance Armstrong, Jennifer Lopez, Dustin Hoffman, Steven Spielberg, Will Ferrell, Trista and Ryan Sutter and eek, Charlie Sheen.
• The name Max has been popularized by the movie (and games) Max Payne, Mad Max and Gladiator.
• Max is one of the main character's in one of Taylor's favorite Nick Jr. shows, Max and Ruby. Max plays the younger brother who always gets into trouble! LOL! How fitting!
• A personal favorite, Max is the name of a character in the show Roswell. Max is a teenage alien/human hybrid living in Roswell, New Mexico. He attempts to survive as a human and hide his alien side. In the process he falls in love and has a "forbidden" relationship with Liz, a human. Haha!
• Here is a quote from People Magazine that I love: "It’s hard to find a hotter name for boys than Max, and for good reason. Meaning ‘greatest’ in its traditional Latin form of Maximus, Max is “unpretentious and friendly but also sounds cool.”
• Another quote: "I named my son Max 12 years ago. I do hear that it’s a “dog” name a lot but so are Emily and Jack and every other person’s name. I liked Max because it sounds like it could be a cute happy toddler and the tough guy in a detective novel. Tough but fun. I didn’t want a name that would sound cute when he was little, but embarrass him when he was an adult."

Is the name growing on you yet?! If not, then tough! LOL! We love the name, and hope you do too! With a name that means "Greatest," how can you top that?! =)


Anonymous said...

I know a few people named Max...they are pretty successful! Great choice!

Brandon said...

Hey that sounds like an awesome name! Thanks for sharing with us I'm sure he will love it!

oooikandiooo said...

i LOVE the name! it's definitely strong and unique...defining baby boy. can't wait for him to come into the world so auntie candie can spoil him, too! ;D

cathy said...

taylor & max! LOOOOOVE IT ;)

Leslie said...



GREAT choice, Camille!!! :)

Unknown said...

I think going w/ Max is a great decision.. Having your dream may "Mean Something" down the road.. He will be a special child for he is part of our family, and I also can't wait to hold him!!

cameley said...

thanks everyone! can't wait for everyone to meet max!