Friday, May 20, 2011

It's true...

that with your next pregnancy everything happens SOONER! The expansion of the waist, the fatigue, the joint pain and my favorite, feeling the baby! I started feeling the baby do somersaults the day after Mother's day, at 16 weeks...a whole month sooner than with the first! Gonna get technical here; the uterine wall has already been stretched from the first pregnancy, so not only do you show quicker, you feel everything sooner too. Not to mention that you already know what it feels like from experience.

If it were up to me, pregnancy would last much longer, at least a year. Before you think I'm crazy, hear me out. The first trimester is spent being paranoid about miscarriage and for some, morning sickness. After that, you're paranoid about what your expanding belly looks actual baby bump or a bloated mess. I swear some people think I'm just getting fat. And then when you finally "look" pregnant, and get the perks of pregnancy like feeling the baby kick and people going out of their way for you..its almost over!

I love being pregnant and feeling the baby grow inside. I love feeling tiny movements. After Taylor was born, I missed it so much. No, I'm not going to get all "19 Kids and Counting," but if it were up to me and we lived in a mansion with loads of money, (and hired help) I'd breed enough children for a soccer make that "11 Kids and Counting." =)

1 comment:

cathy said...

i want a baby a pretend one so i could see how it feels haha. yay for babies!