Monday, September 8, 2008

pop pop pop...

I don't think I can mistake it for gas anymore! haha. That pop-pop-pop sensation I keep feeling is the baby!

I've been noticing slight movements for weeks now but needed to feel something more definitive. Last Thursday at work I definitely felt IT and not the rumblings of my stomach! I also undoubtedly felt the baby when I was laying in bed last week. I tried to concentrate and put myself in my womb, and sure enough I felt waves! I had even let my had rest on my abdomen and I felt a tap back at me! That happened twice.

Today and this past weekend, I've been feeling it move all around while I'm sitting watching T.V. It gets stronger everyday! From what I've seen on ultrasounds and what I've been feeling lately, this baby is ACTIVE! I have a feeling we are in for a HANDFUL!

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