Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Easy with the paparazzi!

haha...I think this baby has had ENOUGH of the cameras/ultrasounds for one month! I think my uterus could use a break as well. LOL! We're going to need a photo album for all the pictures we're accumulating.

We had our 'real' ultrasound this past Tuesday. Baby Girl is progressing beautifully! She was measured and everything looks great. We got some really cute profile shots. Take a look!

"Was that the boneless chicken wings or the baby kicking?"

Thats what he said...Jason's response to feeling the baby move for the first time! haha

Last night while Jason (half asleep) and I were watching Dancing with the Stars, Baby was kicking hard enough to feel it on the outside! I made Jason wake up and Baby girl performed for Daddy! aww, I know he's been waiting to feel her for a while! He promptly smiled and went back to sleep. LOL

and btw, I'm very disappointed with Kim Kardashian's performance last night. You've got to have WAY more rhythm to keep up with a Sir Mix-A-Lot number!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008

Isn't it pretty?

Check out our nursery furniture! I've done tons of research on cribs and made sure that what I chose met safety requirements and is JPMA certified. Its brand name is Cocoon and I just think it is gorgeous! We purchased the whole set about a month ago and are slowly getting in all the pieces. I love the solid dark wood. Everything is incredibly sturdy. Besides safety, I wanted pieces that had lots of storage and that could grow with my baby. The crib is convertible so as she grows she'll be able to use it as a toddler and queen size bed. Gosh I sound like a commercial! But seriously, I think I want it for me.

Oh, and check out the decor/colors. I AM IN LOVE with the sage/mint green. It looks so good with chocolate. This room is my inspiration for the nursery. It's green and brown baby!

Monday, September 15, 2008


FINALLY! We found out what I had known all along! ITS A GIRL!

Jason and I couldn't wait another second, so we came in for a 3-D ultrasound on Saturday morning. The technician was immediately able to see the baby's goods...Baby wasn't flipping, tossing or turning this time! This time she had no choice but to cooperate...because this little baby was sleeping! She let us see 3 distinct white lines, definitely her girl parts!

It was so incredible to see her in 3D. She was sleeping with her hands in her face. The technician kept poking at my belly, trying to get her to put her hands down for her close up. Poor baby! She was obviously getting grumpy and irritated from all the poking around! She was trying to get her beauty sleep!

In any case, we were able to get several shots of her...most of them with her hands in front of her face...but still amazing to look at. oh, and look at her nuzzling against me! My sweet baby.

Halfway there!

Me at 20 weeks!

Friday, September 12, 2008

o dear...

Another photoshop creation courtesy of my coworker, Brandon. Oh that Brandon, I can't ever keep up with his shenanigans. And can I say SCAREY! Really though, if this is what the baby is going to look like, then God help us!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Show me the GOODS!

For weeks, okay maybe since I conceived, I have been dying to know the sex of my baby! We had come in for our routine prenatal appointment last week, hoping to schedule an ultrasound ASAP! We couldn't get on the schedule until 3 weeks out! Wraa!

SoOoO, luckily for us, Jason and I have a friend who is an ultrasound technician. She was more than willing to take us in during her lunch break yesterday! Of course in exchange for some pancit and lumpia! haha.

After being in the hot seat with jelly all over my belly for more than an hour, we left there with the baby's gender still unanswered! wraa!!!!! The baby was too fidgety and active. We couldn't get a good view between the legs. This baby was tossing, turning, doing flips..sticking its head between its legs! (The baby got a clear view, but we didn't!) At one time, it even peed for us on screen! LOL (must get that from Jason)

So, the bad news is that the baby wouldn't cooperate. But the good news is that Baby looks healthy! The last time we had an ultrasound it just looked like a jelly bean. This time, everything was so pronounced! We saw the spine, cerebrum, bladder, stomach, heart chamber, eyes, nose, mouth, ears, its cute little toes and fingers...and of course we stared at its butt crack for almost 45 minutes trying to distinguish what it was!

The sweetest part is that it has already picked up Jason's traits and features! If you look at the picture of the baby's feet, they are undeniably Jason's. My second toe is longer than my big toe..but the baby's second toe is shorter. haha. ALSO, my favorite part is that in one of the pictures, the baby is clasping its hands together. JASON DOES THIS ALL THE TIME!!! haha, he watches T.V. with his hands nicely clasped and sleeps in the prayer position! How freakin ADORABLE is that!

I do have my own guess to what the baby is...A GIRL! I know what we saw was a blur but for a minute there, the baby's parts were looking like a hamburger to me! (You know, hamburger for a girl and turtle for a boy!) And the night before, tell me why I had a dream that I was singing to my baby girl?

I guess we'll have to see in a few weeks! Stay tuned! In the mean time, enjoy these pics below.

It doesn't show it here but the baby was sucking its thumb prior to the still shot.

The baby must have been wondering what all the fuss was about..because it kept turning its head and looking directly at the transducer!

If you look very closely, you can see the baby has its thumb and pointer finger open...I think it was calling us LOSERS while we were looking for its goods!

Look at those toes! Baby has Jason's feet!

Picture of the baby clasping its hands...Just like Daddy!

Picture of the baby's leg

Monday, September 8, 2008

pop pop pop...

I don't think I can mistake it for gas anymore! haha. That pop-pop-pop sensation I keep feeling is the baby!

I've been noticing slight movements for weeks now but needed to feel something more definitive. Last Thursday at work I definitely felt IT and not the rumblings of my stomach! I also undoubtedly felt the baby when I was laying in bed last week. I tried to concentrate and put myself in my womb, and sure enough I felt waves! I had even let my had rest on my abdomen and I felt a tap back at me! That happened twice.

Today and this past weekend, I've been feeling it move all around while I'm sitting watching T.V. It gets stronger everyday! From what I've seen on ultrasounds and what I've been feeling lately, this baby is ACTIVE! I have a feeling we are in for a HANDFUL!