Monday, August 25, 2008

playing catch up...

I am just now starting this blog 4 months into my pregnancy! SOOO for the next several entries I'll be playing catch up!

We found out on May 21st that we were pregnant! Who would have thunk that after trying for only one month we would be so lucky! I'm way more fertile than I thought I was! LOL. We pretty much found out as soon as it was humanly possible. And we owe it all to good 'ol EPT and First Response tests. Now I don't know how weird it is to post these pictures but I'm going to anyway! and yes...these are the ones I peed on...haha

Apon finding out, I immediately went to the doctor and learned that we were 4 weeks at the time. That would bring our conception date to May 7th and our expected delivery date to January 28th, 2009! whoo hoo!

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